Lighthouse Ministries Inc

Lighthouse Angels, Inc You Can Help
The Poor
BY VOLUNTEERING - We need your ideas and your commitment to help carry out our many programs and services. We are always in need of volunteers. If you are interested in serving as a volunteer, please send us an email or call us. We will send you our volunteer application form to begin the process. Donate Now Contact Us

We are life changers

Help The Poor To Build A Better World

Lighthouse Angels, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. It is an unprecedented network of believers, and Christian leaders who have been called to serve others in the community, the nation, AND the world. It is a nonprofit charity bent on carrying the gospel of Christ to all nations. Besides meeting the spiritual needs of people, Lighthouse Angels’ humanitarian and social services Department designs programs and services aimed at meeting the physical, psychological, and social needs of the less fortunate and most vulnerable in society. Through its network of dedicated and selfless volunteers, the organization continues to positively transform lives everyday without regard to race, color, religion, status, national origin, creed, beliefs, age, disability, affiliation, or ethnic background.
Lighthouse Angels, Inc. is a member in good standing with Mission American Coalition, The National Evangelicals Association & the Table Coalition.

Services & Programs
Our Programs & Services


Gospel Tracts & Free Bibles– are excellent resources for spreading the good news of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Free Bibles distribution & Gospel Tracts contain messages of hope, love and encouragement to bring relief and joy as well as messages telling of the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Human and Social Services

Assist vulnerable elders with managing daily activities – This program assist community-dwelling elders to accomplish some of their daily activities and independent-living needs, such as preparing meals, house cleaning, transportation, and running some errands on their behalf.

Lighthouse Angels, Inc.
Children First

Refugee children that benefit from some of our services in Africa. Photo: Lighthouse Angels, Inc.

Children in Kenya needing our help.

Children in Liberia needing our help.

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